No Man in an Island – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 325

Here I am continuing with applying Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Statements on the Back-Chat Dimension on the point I have noticed within my life where I utilize my bedroom as a kind of hiding place and ultimately a place where I go /stay to avoid facing my world/Responsibilities

This blog is a continuation of the following blogs

The Inner Discomfort while I am Around People – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 324
Uncovering The Ways I ‘Avoid Responsibility’ – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 323
My Responsibilities Will Not Just “Leave Me Alone” – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 322
My Bedroom is My ‘Giving-Up’ Sanctuary – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 321
Thinking About My Life from My Bedroom – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 320
Allowing My World To Fall Apart – While I Watch Movies – An Artists Journey To Life:  
Day 319
My Inner Experience is Too Much to Handle – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 318
My Room My Hideaway (Fear Dimension) – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 315
“Hiding In My Room” Character Dimensions – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 314


Back-Chat – “I don’t want to talk to anyone”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deny the fact that this world is made of the relationships that people have with one another and that no man is an island and who’s life always involve other human beings, and so within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in the back-chat “i don’t want to talk to anyone” where in my mind I within and through this statement and others like it create the idea within me that this is actually possible not taking into consideration that THE REAL REALITY where I must establish effective relationships with other beings and maintain them to be functional in the system, that this real reality is still here and does not change or disappear just because I attempt to impose my will onto it by and through speaking the statement “I don’t want to talk to anyone” as if this is some kind of actual solution to my experience.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to align myself to establishing, walking, and maintaining effective relationships with people in my world where I am able to establish effective communication and interactions instead of accepting and allowing myself to develop relationships that I do not want to be a part of and eventually want to avoid.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to rather want to just exist in my mind than in actual real relationships with people.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to chose my mind than directing myself to participate in the ACTUAL REAL REALITY where I must interact with beings on a daily basis to assist and support the practical functionality of my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow a Character that prefer to be alone and speak and interact with no one control me instead of me DIRECTING MYSELF using practical common sense, and so

I commit myself to assist and support myself to deconstruct this Character that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in that prefer to NOT maintain relationships with people.

I see how by and through accepting and allowing myself to exist as the “Avoiding People” Character I have created the consequence of not being very practically functional within my world where I see the point that I could be more effective if I Established myself as actually maintaining and participating real relationships that I participate within on a regular basis.

This Character is like the Anti-Social Character and there is part of Character that “just wants to be alone” to so to not have to deal with certain responsibilities. I see that there is certain people in my world that represent certain responsibilities so that it is not so much that I do not want to interact and communicate with those particular people, but that it’s the Responsibilities that they represent that I do not want to deal with, and so
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid people and then speak the statement “I don’t want to talk to anyone” where in this I am often here actually avoiding the Responsibility that the person represent, and so again here this brings me back to the point of Responsibility, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to speak back-chat that only serve to feed my illusion that I am able to somehow escape from my life and my responsibilities as a human being.

When and as I see myself speaking the back-chat “I don’t want to talk to anyone” I stop and I breathe. I see that here I am accepting and allowing myself to participate in the illusion that I have created and fueled within myself that I am able to somehow escape my responsibilities which is actually my LIFE, and thus I commit myself to stop perpetuating this ILLUSION, and thus I commit myself to assist and support myself to Align Myself and My LIFE to Facing and Directing my Responsibilities as I see that this is Actually what REAL LIFE is. And that when I start to try to avoid this and go into avoiding people; that is the illusion as eventually I must come back down to earth, and come back to REAL REALITY which never go anywhere and move if I do not Direct it, and so here I commit myself to assist and support myself to ALIGN myself with my REAL REALITY of RESPONSIBILITIES and thus to breath and face myself in this REAL WORLD and assist and support myself to remain HERE without trying to sugar coat it because always that sugar coat wears off and I am left with the REAL STUFF that I must face.
I see that to actually face my Real Reality and the Responsibilities I have daily will in fact assist and support me to become the most effective I can within my life.


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2 thoughts on “No Man in an Island – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 325

  1. Pingback: Relationships That Matter – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 326 | An Artists Journey To Life

  2. Pingback: For Better or Worse: DAY 199 | Anna's Journey to Life

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