Getting Out of Bed. – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 153


This blog is a continuation of the blog posts

“Addicted to My Snooze Button – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 151

“Addicted to my Snooze Button Self Corrections – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 152


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I wake up in the morning think about what I have to do during my day and then when thinking about things I resist doing, do not want to get up out of bed

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see a picture of myself wandering in my house and not knowing what to do and not having anything to do, and then in relation to this picture make the statement “What will I do?” (If I get up) and then continuing with this vein of thought bringing myself to the point from “What will I do” to “I won’t know what to do” to “I don’t have anything to do” and thus based on this sequence of back-chat experience a disappointment within me in “not knowing what to, or having anything to do – Disappointment due to not enjoying the point of facing myself when I am uncertain in a moment of how to direct me, and so within this experience I am creating within me, decide to just stay in bed so as not to have to go out and face this “projection” that I have created within myself as I lay in bed of what it will be like when I get out of bed which is thus ultimately the point of Facing Myself. And then so simply lay there and pull my covers tight/snug around my shoulders/body which is the physical behaviour of “me staying in bed” instead of walking the physical self correction of moving my covers off of my body and directing me to sit up and then stand up out of bed where I am now physically standing up and then proceed to get dressed, and so to not Manifest the point of sleeping in where I just end up eventually getting up and experiencing now myself being behind and wishing I would have gotten up earlier when I had the chance, and so thus

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to pass up golden opportunities to get up and out of bed and actually wake up straight away in the mornings, instead of accepting and allowing myself to linger in bed which always end up causing me to experience inner frustration and irritation and anger with myself for not taking the opportunities I had already in the morning to get up like for instance when I first opened my eyes.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to push myself in that moment when I first open my eyes to actually get up where I physically in that moment move the covers off of my body and sit up and then stand up out of bed so that I am Up.

I forgive myself for not realizing that as soon as I make the decision to sleep longer or “not get up immediately” I then accept and allow myself to “go back into the mind” which has the consequence of supporting the mind to have the directive principle over me instead of me assisting and supporting myself to be Self Directive and so see here the consequence of allowing myself to when I open my eyes in the morning to make that decision to stay in bed instead of directing myself up immediately.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I am in my bed in the morning think about what I will do when I get up, and then up comes the back-chat “I don’t know what to do” and in that moment decide to stay in bed based on the idea I formed in relation to the back-chat “I don’t know what to do” where I believed that I will not know what to do and that I will have nothing to do, and I will just be wandering around doing nothing, and so then decide to stay in bed.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to based my getting out of bed on first having to know exactly what I will do, and that if “I have nothing to do” or “don’t know what to do” resist getting out of bed and thus just stay in bed under the warm covers.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the idea that “I have nothing to do, and won’t know what to do” to influence me by influencing me to make the decision to stay in bed.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to resist getting out of bed where I experience resistance to getting up in the morning in relation to the back-chat “I don’t have anything to do”

I forgive myself for not realizing that it is not necessary for me to know what to do – That is Not the Point. The point is to firstly assist and support myself to physically get out of bed and get dressed, and then once that first initial point is done, to then direct myself in the moment to procede with my daily living.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to direct myself  to physically get up out of bed in the mornings on my first breath, where in that moment I take one breath and then physically direct myself up and out of bed, so as to not create the consequence of sinking into the indulgences of the mind where I may end up which I have before sleeping for an hour or 2 longer which is in essence often me just thinking about things and participating within and as the mind which only give my mind power over me instead of me assisting and supporting myself to become the directive principle of myself, taking Responsibility for what I create as me as what I accept and allow myself to participate in.

I commit myself to when and as the alarm goes off in the morning or I open my eyes in the morning to take a breath and get up out of bed in the first breath, and in doing this simply eliminating now the entire point of accessing my mind during that moment which I had done previously which I see, realize and understand is in fact not necessary for making a decision to get out of bed, it is a decision that is immediate and lived as the getting up and standing up out of my bed, and that I see, realize and understand that in by simply getting up immediately I will assist and support myself to stop this entire back-chat mind barrge which is actually and can be quite extensive in terms of points within my life where I allow the most mind engagement, and so by getting up in the first breath I am assisting and supporting myself to be more here and more self directive.

I see, realize and understand that I do not have to know what I am going to do before I get out of bed and that this back-chat related to “not knowing what to do” when I get of bed is my mind, and thus I commit myself to simply focus on getting out of bed initially in the morning and then from there once I am up, proceed with directing myself within my reality, now that I have directed me out of me bed, instead of accepting and allowing myself to go into  the long drawn-out inner conversations and debates and dreaming that only keep me in bed and in my mind.

I see, realize, and understand that I do not require a thinking process to get out of bed but that all I require is s simply physical act or physically moving the covers off of me and sitting up then standing up.

I commit myself to simply focus on the point of “getting up in the mornings” first and foremost, and not “what I should be doing” and so take these points one at a time, where firstly I get myself out of bed and into my physical living application then can decide what to do from there.


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2 thoughts on “Getting Out of Bed. – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 153

  1. Pingback: Investigating My Apparent “NEED” to Sleep-In. – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 155 | An Artists Journey To Life

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