The Obedient Slave of Resistance – An Artists Journey To Life: Day 425

comical sense - polarity

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed resistance to be an authority within me where when ever I experience resistance inside myself towards something, I start to bend and move in relation to that resistance, thus validating it, thus, making the statement that my resistance is valid, that it is right, that there must be some point to it, in this not realizing that my resistance is built out of judgements, and is thus then simply judgements accumulated into a point of resistance, and so In allowing myself to be influenced by my inner resistance(s) that comes up within me I am making the statement that my judgements are valid. Judgements based on a context where I have the right to form judgements of superiority and inferiority towards life, playing god, defining myself as special within the context of where something or someone does not adhere or meet my standards of judgements that I have imposed onto reality, onto life that is in fact Equal And One.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to investigate my judgements within myself so that I can develop a degree of understanding and realization within and as myself to assist and support myself to actually stop my judgemental existence and actually re-align myself as my living expression within the context of Life as what is best for all within equality and oneness where no judgement towards life exist as the belief that one point of life is worth more or is better than another point, and thus to in this realization stand within and as Life as equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed resistance to build within me towards something or someone and just kind of go about my day and weeks as this resistance builds, and in this not stopping for a moment and investigating the contents of my resistance as a point of Self Support to no more accept and allow myself to exist just continuing to allow resistance to exist within me and thus inevitably in not addressing it, allowing it to then direct and influence me within my life/living actions/decisions. And so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try and suppress and ignore resistance that comes up within me instead of directing it through writing, self forgiveness, and self corrective application or by facing the point directly in my reality, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to essentially become resistances obedient slave, obeying its every gesture and whim, and forming my life around it and in relation to it, even if this means to compromise myself and life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I have been accepting and allowing myself to be directed by resistance for so long now that my life must be really fucked up and within this belief, go into fear, fear that I will not be able to correct what I have created as the life I have created/formed in relationships to resistance.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to face my resistance either through writing, self forgiveness, and self corrective application and living, or/and through by facing directly those points within my reality that I resist/that create resistance. And so I commit myself to assist and support myself to walk a process of addressing that which I resist and to address each point of my life that I can see is the way it is at the moment due to resistance, where I would ‘avoid something’ due to resistance and thus make a decision that has now placed me within a certain point within my life which ultimately is so because of my accepted and allow Position/Stance that I have taken towards resistance which has NOT been one of actually Facing it – either in writing or by Directly Facing the Resistance Points that I see and encounter within my Life but rather has been one of running from it or hiding or avoiding it and only kind of facing it sometimes, but not effectively enough to actually break out of my programmed living /programmed resistance.

I commit myself to Re-Align and Re-Assert my Position/Stance in relation to resistance where HERE I commit myself to re-align/Re-Assert my position/stance in relation to resistance from one of running from it, or avoiding it, which in essence means I have validated it, to taking a position/stance of Facing It, where I commit myself to assist and support myself to actually Stop Running from my resistance but to work with it actively practically either in Writing about it as a way to assist and support myself to develop an understanding towards it in terms of what is really going on in terms of why such a resistance would exist/come up within me, to Facing it Directly where I simply face the point of resistance and walk through it in physical reality.

I see that I have limited myself extensively within my life through by having accepted and allowed myself to validate my resistance and give it power and authority in my life. I have turned away from so many opportunities in my life because of the resistances I have encountered in them. In this ‘turning away’ I have essentially not allowed myself to expand myself in my living and actually step outside of my pre-programmed nature, and thus have simply remained ‘stuck’ so to speak, living out the same patterns each day and not allowing myself to take on something new. Forming my life in relation to resistance is like ‘taking the path of least resistance’, because as long as I keep stepping on the same trodden path that I have walked repeatedly in my life I will not face any resistance but to venture out and actually challenge myself and expand myself I will face resistance and so to give authority to my experience of inner resistance I am essentially limiting myself within my life, within who I am.


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