The Characters I Play to Hide The LIE that is Me: An Artists Journey To Life: day 67

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as “Characters” in my life all of which have been formed to support me within hiding from the world we have created and the self we have created where if we were to Step out of our Characters and live for real, we would have to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives and thus so we continue to exist in Characters to attempt to postpone that which we know within ourselves will inevitably have to be faced and that is that we take absolute self responsibility for ourselves, our lives and everything that is here and directing / creating it as that which is best for all.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the only thing stopping me and stopping us as humanity from creating a world where all have food to eat is simply the fact that we don’t want to – but would rather hide from this because this implies that we will have to give up our self interest in doing that which only support our own individual existence and does not consider how our actions and non-actions affect the whole and everything on earth

For Further Perspective on Characters Please Read:

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand that I have created Characters for every possible scenario where even my Characters are getting together and having offspring/forming new Characters to be used in all situations possible for me to step into a Character to avoid having to take responsibility for all that is here or for particular specific moments I face within my world.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to identify when I am existing as a Character, and to Stop and Step out of Character and into Self Responsibility to ensure that I am living as Support of Life within what is best for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that my “normal experience” is in fact the experience of me as existing within a Character.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as Characters as personalities and ideas about myself that is only ever based in self interest instead of the interest of all and the interest of life that requires ourselves to walk Here in Self Responsibility of this interest-of-all in every moment to ensure the ending/stopping of abuse that has been allowed by each one existing in multiple Characters that always have some kind of flaw built into them to be used as the reason and justification why “one is not able” or “I am not able” and thus justify doing nothing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust the Characters that I have created.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust the Characters that I have created that I live as as my personalities because these Characters are based in Self Interest and so if I align myself with these such Characters I can live out my self interested desires and no one will say anything but go along with it because everyone else is wanting to do the same thing, and in this together we all do nothing but support each other and ourselves as apparently being incapable of standing up and changing the world we have created for ourselves, and since we are apparently unable, lets rather just go watch the game or something, and thus Live our our Character Lives creating our lives within the image and likeness of Emptiness because we never direct ourselves to actual do anything that Support Life, but kind of just coasting along till we die.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that anything less than Living in Absolute Self Responsibility for/as life within the principle of what is best for all in every moment is the existence of myself as a Character.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as the Character of weakness within which I insist I am so that I can justify not taking responsibility for myself within my world because “I can’t, I am weak” not fully understanding/ realizing that this “weakness” is self created as an idea that I have accepted as myself that I live out within and as an trait of the Characters I have created within me as personalities which I have formed as me and lived out throughout my life to support my life of Self Interest and only generating positive energy / positive experiences for myself, not really ever caring to in fact direct myself within the best interest of ALL.

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to believe this statement “I am weak” not realizing that it is in fact a Character that I have designed as myself to manipulate myself and everyone around me to buy into such a point so that I can justify why I am not able to take responsibility for what is here and for myself within the point of standing up within what is best for all, because that would entail me directing myself in Common Sense in the practical considerations of what is best for all and no more accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as Self Interest in fueling myself as my EGO that is only wanting to fulfill my own energetic experiences and so will come up with Various Characters to protect me from having to Take Responsibility for what is here and direct myself in a way that actually Support the Restoration of Earth.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the only thing stopping me and everyone here from creating a world where poverty, starvation, war, famine, violence do not exist is that we/I simply don’t want to. Which is obviously not Valid and only show the LIE we are Living as LIEf

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to direct myself to change my living behaviors that is only based in “I don’t want to” as the real reason why I do not direct myself in every moment in the best interest of all.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that a Character is simply the truth of myself as “I don’t want to” dressed up in various different costumes such as

I can’t

I am not able

I am to weak

I don’t know how

I don’t have the right training

I am just not smart enough

I don’t have enough money

I am limited where I live so that’s why I can’t

Its to late

I am to old

I am to young

I am to tired

I never get to relax

I have done enough for now

It won’t do anything anyways

ALL of these just different costumes as Different Characters I dress up as to make it seem like there is some valid reason why I am not taking absolute Self Responsibility for myself and world in every moment when the Real Reason is that I Simply just don’t want to and would rather fuel and live out my own self interested life.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to Step Out of Character in every moment and make sure that I am Here in Self Awareness Directing myself practically within considering what is in the best interest of all, as I realize that “I don’t want to” is the foundation of all my elaborate characters and is simply not valid to keep me trapped in time-loops that are actually stupidy-loops for denying myself the gift of me to actually live in Support of Life as Self Honesty and Self Dignity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to utilize my history as my past to validate the Characters that I live where I look at who I was in the past and what I lived in the past as the proof that I am this Character I claim to be, instead of stopping building a case to support my own limitation as the Characters I accept and allow myself to live out to avoid taking responsibility for what is here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see/identify where and when I am accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as a “Character” I have created as a way to avoid taking responsibility for my world, and to Step Out of Character to in fact assist and support myself in the Practical Direction of my world and my process of Correcting Myself to live in Self Honesty.

I commit myself to within writing, self forgiveness, and self corrective application stop my existence as “Characters” which I see/realize/understand is actually just elaborate or simple excuses which I utilize to prevent myself from having to actually take responsibility in my world in a consistent way.

I commit myself to further investigating the full scope of who I have accepted and allowed myself to become as “Characters” that I live out as excuses to not stand up and take responsibility for myself in my world so that I can support myself to “step out of character” and actually in this step out of my own self accepted limitations that I have been wanting to stop participating in anyways but have not had the courage to do for myself.

I commit myself to challenging my own Characters in moments where I see myself participating in some Character/Personality which is Acting as Self Accepted Excuses which keep me trapped in stupidity-loops as time-loops of self limitation and in essence denying myself the gift of actually living and changing/transforming me stand as what is best for all.

Creations Journey To Life 7 Year Process Blogs

Heavens Journey To Life 7 Year Process Blogs

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