Doing The Bare Minimum – An Artists Journey to Life: Day 36

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not allow my wrist to heal as this would be an indication of me being perfectly healthy and thus able to direct myself responsibly and clearly within my reality which then implies that I must do the practical thing and keep my current job, even though I want to run from it where in my injured wrist becomes a point of escape or potential of this jobs not working out, and thus

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be direct with myself and clear in my direction and how I am moving myself, hide justifications and secret reasons in and amongst this entire point of my injured wrist, instead of being straight with myself with what I want, and thus taking responsibility for that practical direction and moving myself, instead standing with both feet on either side of the fence not really deciding to walk one direction conclusively and within this directing myself fully in that direction or in another taking conclusive steps instead of being manipulative where I manipulate myself and allow myself to exist within feelings of hope about something else working out, with out me directing it for and as myself.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed my body to heal fully but to hold onto this idea of having a injured wrist, showing myself that I am not wanting my body to be completely healthy and effective which in itself indicate to me that I am not directing myself and willing myself to stand in and as my optimum potential in every moment of my being here and directing myself in self responsibility, and thus I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to want to be standing in my optimum potential because then this imply that I actually will have to direct myself which I do not want to do so hide behind  injuries to my body so that I can claim that its ok if I am not being absolutely self directive in my world because I have an injury which apparently means that I do not have to be absolutely responsible for what is here on earth.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to stand at all times in my optimum potential as my optimum functionality as my human physical body but to create ideas of how I am limited by and through my physical with the injuries I have, not considering that I am in fact able to heal such injuries through first by stopping the idea of in fact wanting to be injured so that I can try and hide from taking absolute responsibility for myself in every moment, so thus firstly embrace and stand as this point of taking full responsibility for myself within my world and thus directing myself accordingly and thus within this ensuring I am always supporting my human physical body by not imposing my ideas of its capabilities on it which are actually limitations that i have created in my own mind in relation to not wanting to in fact stand in self responsibility in every moment.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to consider that the body might be able to heal itself so much quicker if I actually allowed this process to take place instead of holding onto this wrist injury and not wanting to heal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to run from my new job because I have accepted and allowed myself to define this new job as a detriment to getting into place a life that I actually enjoy and stabilize myself within.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I will not be able to find a more effective job that is more supportive.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted full responsibility for the life I am creating for myself including my job where in I am still seeing these/this point as my job as the best I can do because that is the job I got when I started looking around, and thus it must be the best because apparently “the best jobs just possible are the ones that come when I look” instead of considering that to find an effective job could take weeks or months of research and exploration and applying and developing my resume instead of just taking the first point that shows up and going no further because I should just be happy with what I have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I owe my new boss or the people I work with something and so that is why I will stick with this current job I have no matter if it seems like a fit or not.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I must force myself fit every and any situation instead of finding a point that works effectively where I compliment and support the people around me and where they support and compliment me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to just accept the situation I am in because of believing that I cannot do better and that will not find anything better in terms of how I fit with the company and various employees.

I commit myself to doing effective research with regards to jobs available and also places to live as a point of taking responsibility of where I place myself and how I create my reality instead of just accepting the first thing that come along as a point that I have to take due to the belief that nothing better will come up and in this not even bother to push the point of thorough research of each point along with practical application of directing to place myself in an effective way in both my job and place to live and not just settle on the first thing that comes along and then justify that this is the best option for me and that it works well even if it is not working effectively.

I commit myself to ensuring that I am not compromising myself by just doing what I always do and what I have been programmed to do which is to do some research and investigations into jobs and places to live and then take what ever comes up instead of realizing that I am here creating my reality and thus am able to give this more specific direction through simply being more thorough and disciplined within my job and home search and not just do the bare minimum like I always do and then take the first thing that comes up believing that cannot do any better.

I commit myself to doing more than just the bar minimum and to be more specific and thorough in my house and job search instead of just settling on the first things that come along based on my little over bare minimum search.

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